We are coming back to the offices! How should building managers ensure a proper air filtration system?

We are all trying to return to our “old” pre-epidemic life. Despite the fact that the current state in our country is still ongoing and special sanitary procedures have been implemented, we are trying to resume our work in public buildings, including office buildings.

Some buildings were completely out of service, while others were partially closed. However, regardless of the situation we are in, it is important to check again the filtration system and the level of air pollution, in which our employees will start working soon.

As a manufacturer of air filters, we recommend cleaning the air handling unit and checking all filters first. It may turn out that, in particular, the pre-filters have been completely contaminated, including because in parallel with the pandemic period there was a huge drought in our country and there was much more dust and pollution in the air. Then we need to verify the next levels of filtration in our ventilation system, or, for example, replace the filters with those with a higher filtration class.

After cleaning the HVAC system and restarting it, we recommend checking the indoor air quality. This can be done using a special apparatus for measuring the number of solid particles. We are aware that not everyone is in possession or can afford to buy such a device, so we encourage you to contact our team, which will help you check the current state of air in places where people will start working soon. Remember that our respiratory system is particularly vulnerable to pollution.

We wish you a lot of health and please contact us!

KlimaSystem Filtry Sp. z o.o. Sp. k.