Hepa filter, called absolute, is an air filter characterized by very high effectiveness of removing impurities. In the literal translation of HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air Filter) means: “high efficiency” air filter. Application of this the type of filter guarantees that the smallest impurities or particles in the size range from 0.003 μm to over 10 μm will be removed from the air (for comparison, suspended dust PM2,5 contains particles up to 2.5 μm).
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Uszczelnienie za pomocą uszczelki poliuretanowej (jedno- lub dwustronnej)

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Obudowa z metalu (ocynk, aluminium, stal nierdzewna) lub MDF

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Jedno- lub dwustronna metalowa siatka ochronna, malowana na biało

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Materiał filtracyjny – włókno szklane

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Separatory typu hotmelt lub aluminiowe

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Przepływ turbulentny lub laminarny

Filter structure

The filter medium of the HEPA filter is pleated fiberglass paper with a characteristic fiber size and their proper distribution depending on the filtration class. The method of pleating material used means that we increase in this way filter surface and airflow velocity. The whole is placed in the metal frame (galvanized, aluminum, stainless steel) or MDF (depending on customer demand). The filters have special hotmelt or aluminum separators, whose task is to keep pleats at equal distances. The separators are accordingly selected in terms of the environment in which the air filter will work, e.g. for the environment in which oil mist will occur, the appropriate selection is the separator
aluminum, while in the operating room we can use hotmelt separators.


– Sealing with a polyurethane gasket (one or two-sided)
– Metal housing (zinc, aluminum, stainless steel) or MDF
– One or double-sided metal protective mesh, painted white
– Filter material – glass fiber
– Hotmelt or aluminum separators
– Turbulent or laminar flow


All HEPA filters have been protected by a protective mesh on the clean side to prevent material damage during assembly. At the customer’s request, it is also possible to mount the mesh on the dirty side. An additional element securing the exact filtration process is the possibility of using various types of gaskets on one or two sides. The filters offered are suitable for AHUs and rooms where laminar or turbulent airflow is required. Laminar flow is particularly important in places such as operating rooms or clean rooms. In any case, we recommend that you read the detailed technical datasheet.





Filters are a perfect solution for fine filtration in industries such as pharmacy, medicine, electronics, microelectronics, food production, and laboratories.

Technical specifications

HEPA filters according to EN1822-1: 2009 are divided into three groups:

EPA – these are effective air filters, they are marked with the letter E (E10-E12),
HEPA – a highly effective air filter, marked with the letter H (H11-H14),
ULPA – literally translated air filters with very low penetration, i.e. those with the highest efficiency of all HEPA filters (U15-U17).


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