Cartridge filter with activated carbon

Cartridge filter with activated carbon

Activated carbon filters are used to remove odors, i.e. air deodorization in air conditioning and ventilation systems, kitchen installations. They clean the air in terms of removing solvents, hydrocarbons, and chemical compounds as well as other gases such as flue gas desulphurization, dioxins, mercury, etc.
Hotspots Background
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Wytrzymała konstrukcja

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Wkład-węgiel aktywowany

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Niskie koszty energii

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Granulek węgla nie przekracza średnicy 4mm

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Dezodoryzacja powietrza

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Długa żywotność filtra

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Maksymalna wilgotność 70%

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Temperatura pracy +40°C

Filter structure

The carbon filter has a relatively simple design. The housing is made of steel. Bayonet joints with a gasket. Activated carbon with a diameter of 4mm is formed in the housing. Thanks to this, it is possible to develop the filtration surface, while maintaining small pressure drops and small dimensions of the filters. They come in two lengths 450mm and 250mm. They are mounted properly on the mounting frame in the air handling unit.


– Rugged construction
– Activated carbon insert
– Low energy costs
– Carbon granules do not exceed 4mm in diameter
– Deodor deodorization
– Long filter life
– Maximum humidity 70%
– Working temperature + 40 ° C

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